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Rambam's 13 Principles of Faith VI & VII<BR>The Slager Edition

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Rambam's 13 Principles of Faith VI & VII
The Slager Edition

$40.00 $24.00


7�" x 9�", 408 pages,

�This is a stupendous book which will be much valued by Jewish scholars as well as those interested in the history of Jewish theology.�
-- Dan Cohn-Sherbok, Professor of Jewish Theology, University of Wales. Author and editor of over 80 books.

�I have finally had a chance to spend a lot of time with your newest volume, Rambam�s Thirteen Principles of Faith, Principles Six and Seven�Prophecy. As always, I find your scholarship to be extraordinary. There are simply no English language books available that consistently offer the clarity, the source material, and profound insights of your volumes. I cherish each volume you�ve produced. The books are beautiful inside and out!�
Arthur Kurzweil, author of Torah for Dummies and Kabbalah for Dummies, and publisher of over 700 Jewish books.

�For anyone who wants to examine the foundations of Torah Judaism up close, this is an essential work. Those unfamiliar with the material are led through with plenty of guidance, while even those who have studied for many years will find a new perspective.�
Rabbi Tzvi Freeman, author Bringing Heaven Down to Earth.

�This volume brings together classical Jewish discussion of Maimonides' sixth and seventh principles dealing with the phenomenon of prophecy and the prophecy of Moses. Gathered here are the views of classical Jewish thinkers on the issues raised by Maimonides and the detailed discussions of these questions by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of blessed memory. The combination of this material with Rabbi Chaim Miller's pedagogical, analytical and translation skills presents the reader with an entr�e into the lively dialogue on Jewish theological issues that has bridged the difficult gap between rational philosophy and a religion of faith for Jews throughout the ages. Included in the Rebbe's writings are many discussions of these principles, that are especially characterized by bringing together the contributions of Jewish philosophy and Hasidic thought. Making available the Rebbe's unique contribution in so beautiful a way is a great accomplishment.�
Prof. Lawrence Schiffman, Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies , New York University

Rabbi Chaim Miller's multi-volume work on the Rambam's 13 Principles of Faith is monumental. His recent volume, Principles VI & VII Prophecy, is extraordinary. In one book, R. Miller has presented the Judaic teachings on prophecy, so that scholars and interested readers can appreciate its centrality in Torah and its prophecied restoration for our times. Speaking for and with G-d is our birthright. Bringing together the sages teachings over the centuries, illuminated further by the Lubavitcher Rebbe and other Chassidic luminaries on the topic of prophecy, elevates the subject for the current generations to its rightful station next to prayer, mitzvot and halachah.
J. Zohara Meyerhoff Hieronimus Author, The Kabbalistic Teachings of the Female Prophets

Rambam (Maimonides, 1135-1204) is revered as one of the greatest Jewish scholars who ever lived. Among his vast contributions to Jewish scholarship is a series of thirteen core beliefs of Judaism. The brevity of this credo belies the depth of the ideas it represents.

Now, Kol Menachem presents an extensive work of scholarship that will elucidate these principles for all those interested in the heart of Jewish belief. Organized into a sequence of user-friendly lessons, this series takes the reader on a journey through more than 150 traditional sources that influenced these beliefs through the ages. Added to this is the Toras Menachem commentary on the Principles, culled from the Lubavitcher Rebbe's extensive lectures and writings....


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